By: Sophie Booth
As we enter January, many children will hear conversations about resolutions and changes that adults around
them will be making for the New Year. One way to support children’s understanding of this New Year tradition is
to allow children to experience and play with the idea of changing and transforming.
One way to make this accessible to young children is through setting up the role play of a hair salon and
barber’s shop. Children can explore the idea of changing their physical appearance through the use of
costumes and pretending to change their hair style.
Ideas for what to include :
• Combs and brushes
• Towels
• Hair clips
• Wigs and beards
• Dolls with hair
• Notepad and paper
• Mirrors
Empty shampoo bottles
Hair bands
Dustpan and brooms
Supporting Learning through Role Play
A simple activity such as booking a hair appointment allows children to practice their communication and
language skills as well as explore mathematical concepts such as time and date. It is important that you model
how to do this for the children to build their confidence and understanding.
Ensure that children have access to a range of materials for mark marking such as notepads and paper and
pens to encourage children to practice their writing and fine motor skills while enhancing their physical develop-
ment and literacy skills.