Ryan Chopin
Kim - For being so bright and cheerful!
Call-In Staff - For providing coverage all over the place, you are all great!
Fay - For supervising Ice on Whyte and making it fun!
Tara, Charmaine & Roxy - For teaching me about Opps and about yourselves!
Noora - For living "we are YESS, we are one of a kind"
Jason G - For being so supportive and all-around awesome!
Jason S - For your great input on SkY info and for redoing some stuff and showing me all the new things.
Brojo - For showing me StART and telling me about all the new things!
Joel, Tamara & Sarah - For showing me the new stuff in Shelter.
Erin - For being so flexible and as always, so awesome!
Laurie - For your thoughts and enouragement!