Eye on Staff February 2012 | Page 13

Jason - For always suporting me and making me feel like an instrumental component to the STAR program, and not just a newbie!

Brittani - For always asking me how I'm doing and if I need any help.

Kitchen Staff - For inspiring one of our youth so immensely and making such a big impact on his future!

Noora - For always being so warm and happy! And putting me in a better mood when I see her.

Jason S - For making me look stupid but at the smae time making our afternoon that much more ridiculous and fun!

Rayanne - For her daily company and unique/awesome workshops she does with the STAR youth!

Nikki - For always being there to fill in an empty block and give me a break! Please don't leave!

Jeralee - For her constant support, willingness to help out and brief chats!

AYC Staff - For picking up our lunches and being understanding when STAR is always in your space. You are all so appreciated!

Kim, Ryan, Jason & Emily - For putting on such a great and educational afternoon of mock interviews and further deciding to be the ones to follow up on the second round. You taught the youth so much and your help was instrumental to their success!

Henry - For wanting to spend his birthday with my STAR kids!

Deb & Sue - For always contributing to the STAR youth's success and providing presence and incredible speeches to help motivate youth to succeed! And for allwoing me to come back!

Dawn - For putting her heart into decorating not just STAR grad but every other event in YESS!

Facilities - For being so vital to this organization and always being so freindly.

Claire - For volunteering her time to help me out and for providing an expressional outlet for our youth. They always look forward to art with Claire!

Sarah - Thank you for re-inspiring me after what has been a bit of a chaotic time!



Cherish - For her never ending kindness, support and honest wisdom!

Patrick, Carolyn and Norm - For all their hard work even when they are short staffed!

Kim - For always being so cheery and accepting all challenges with a smile!

Derek & Opps team - for all the hard work done @ Ice on Whyte.

Freddy & Opps team - Forfor all the crazy media coverage stuff and 5 AM mornings!

Sue & Deb - For always smiling.

Karen - For sharing her inner psychoticness and allowing me to bring my inner psycho out in her office!!

Fay & Freddy - For an awesome night at the SnowBall fundraiser!

Tara & Kim - For their great ideas for the "Girls Group"!

Neetu - For her hugs and sweetness and for being so wild in her leapord print outfits!!

The winter celebration afterparty crew - For a stupendous evening!

Jason Seaward - For seducing me into the after-party crew!

Tasha, Sarah, Beth & Saba - For their awesome work with STAR!

Ryan - For jumping in and being so supportive! And for your overall Gung-ho-worthiness!

Sarah, Manju, Kate & Pius - For accepting change with such grace and always smiling!

Sarah, Tasha & Jason - For arranging to pick me up!

The entire team at YESS - For being understanding and respectful while we go through organizational challenges. Work is an inspiring and insightful way to grow as a person!