eye care 1 | Page 13

Types of Conjunctivitis: Viral conjunctivitis usually affects one or sometimes both the eyes. It causes a lot of tearing with watery, clear discharge. Sometimes, it causes eyelids to swell. Looking at bright lights can be painful. It can spread to other people very easily, especially in schools or workplaces. Bacterial conjunctivitis usually affects both eyes. It causes eye pain, swelling of eyelids, redness in and around the eye and a heavy discharge that can be green or yellow. When you sleep in the night, this discharge may build up and it makes it difficult to open the eyelids while waking up next morning. Bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious, often affecting multiple family members or children within a classroom. It is spread by contact, usually with objects which have come into contact with the infected person's eye secretions. Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by body’s reaction to certain substances to which it is allergic. Some examples of allergens which may come in contact with eye and cause allergic conjunctivitis include contact lenses & lens solution, cosmetics/make-up, dander from animals, dust mites, pollen from trees, plants, grasses & weeds. Symptoms may be itching, redness and excessive tearing in both eyes. The nose also may be stuffy, itchy and runny. Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious. It can happen seasonally, when pollen counts are high or year round due to indoor allergens such as dust mite and animal dander. 10