Exxpose Magazine 3 | Page 3

Shantrell Wade ExxPose Magazine’s emphasis is based on the profound exploration of Music, Moguls, Models & Media. We have collectively established this publication as a dominant voice and a networking outlet for industry advocates to land extraordinary relationships and countless opportunities. This issue of ExxPose Magazine pays tribute to The Louisiana Film Industry and New Orleans becoming “Hollywood South.”l Models ultimately become actors along their successful journey to stardom. Thus we encourage modeling as a stepping stone to pioneering in the film industry abroad. We’d like to spotlight New Orleans and all of the emerging film producers, directors, writers, casting agents and actors involved with the exhibition the “Hollywood South” entertainment industry. A special tribute is extended to the Louisiana Film Industry for recognizing and thriving to ensure local New Orleans talent is recognized and explored! ExxPose Magazine subscribers and readers can expect cutting edge, surreal and true testimonials, real life stories as we highlight feature moguls and universal events abroad. In this publication you will find hardcore experiences, a wealth of knowledge, professional industry advice and industry updates as well. In closing, we’d like to thank everyone for the continued support of ExxPose Magazine. See you in the spot light! Publisher & Editor in Chief Shantrell “CoCo” Wade CEO/President Shantrell “CoCo” Wade To Advertise Contact: Photographer Wardell Hunter Graphic Designer/Retoucher Huwa Photography Brothers 22 Exxpose Magazine www.AdvertiseExxposeMagazine.webs.com Email: [email protected] Facebook.com/Exxpose Magazine (504) 701-5230 Exxpose Magazine 3