Exxpose: What are your upcoming projects?
The Phix: Currently we have a completed mix tape titled
"Cerberus" available
for download on datpiff.com as well as physical copies on hand.
As for the future, we
are working on a project titled "Nocturnal PHIXations". We are also
planning a video shoot
for our single "Riot" produced by Leon "Nymesis" Francois. A few more things are in discussion, so
you all will have to stay tuned to find out what happens.
Exxpose: What advice would you give to a person aspiring to follow in your footsteps?
The Phix: Stay committed to your dreams, don't let anybody deter you, but don't run from the critics.
This industry requires patience and hard work, sometimes you want to quit but just keep pushing.
Exxpose: What is the one thing you want everyone to know about you?
The Phix: We were friends first. We loved music before we ever made a song, that's why we are so
passionate about our craft.
Exxpose: How can people contact you?
[email protected]; we are also on Twitter: ThePhix_ Instagram: The_Phix and we have a
fan page on Facebook under the name The Phix
Exxpose: If a major corporation or sponsor were interested in partnering with you, what should they
know about you as professionals in this industry?
The Phix: We have the capability to do everything ourselves. To this point we have done everything
in house. Our self-sufficiency is something that we take pride in
Exxpose: What makes you different from every other professional in this industry?
The Phix: Something different about us as professionals is that we were friends long before the
business aspect of things appeared. As we mentioned earlier in the interview our military experiences also play a part in our professionalism. Name another group who has grown up together as brothers all with military backgrounds...we all feel that's unique and our professionalism is of the highest
Exxpose: Who helped you to get where you are?
The Phix: First and for most we have to give all the credit to God, but as we said before most of our
business is handled in-house. We all carry multiple titles in maintaining our ventures. We have a
unique ranking structure which consists of two managers. Allison Ximenez is our "Promoter/
Manager" outside of the group who handles booking shows and venues and Dutch is considered the
"Manager" within the group as a liaison between everyone to make sure everyone is on the same
Exxpose: For the readers, explain how you title or define yourself in the industry and why?
The Phix: The best word that we feel would be a fitting title for us or to define us is "musicians" because of our versatility. Another would have to be "up and coming" we know there are a lot of artists
who hold that title, but we ARE coming and we WON'T be stopped. All of our dreams will be realized.
22 Exxpose Magazine
Exxpose Magazine 7