Exxpose: What is your career background and where are you from?
Royce Dreams: I work at Homewood suites New Orleans, born in
Long Beach Cali, raised in New Orleans
Exxpose: What are your birth
names? The Phix:
Jaron Horace Chess, Derrick
Richard Skinner Sr., Devron
Darrelle McClinton
Exxpose: What is your style of music?
Royce Dreams: Rap
Exxpose: What are your industry names? and/or What areyour business names ? The
Phix: In order of birth names:
Jay Tune, Dutch The Menace,
Gauge Da Heat
Exxpose: What inspired you to do music?
Royce Dreams: Music was always a passion of mines, I've been
writing music for as long as I can remember...... But my whole family
has struggled with life since I was young so I figure that I can do
what I do and get my family out of the struggle
Exxpose: What are your upcoming projects?
Royce Dreams: I'm working on a mix tape called Dreams from the
Bottom and I pray to get noticed by it
Exxpose: What is your background, work field and where
are you from? The Phix:
We all have a military backgrounds and have gone through
different work experiences. We
are all from the West Bank of
New Orleans, LA
Exxpose: What style of music
do you do? The Phix: We can't
truly be bound to one genre of
music because our capabilities
collectively range across the
board. Thus far we have only
displayed or hip hop and R&B
talents, but in the near future
expect more from The Phix
Exxpose: Who or what inspired your career in this industry? The Phix: All of our inspiration started within the group
or our families. Gauge's dad,
Thomas McClinton III a.k.a.
"Mojo", was signed to a record
label in the early 90s, which
was the start of him rapping.
Dutch caught on to rapping
from hanging around with
Gauge and Jay Tune caught on
from being around Dutch.
Dutch's uncle, Rondell Crier,
deserves some of the credit as
6 Exxpose Magazine
well for his artistic influences
and providing the programs we
needed to making our music.
Exxpose: What advice would you give to an aspiring artists?
Royce Dreams: follow your dreams..... Be dedicated and committed
to what you do
Exxpose: What is the one thing you want people to know about you?
Royce Dreams: I want everybody to know that I rap and it's my love.
Music is my life, music is my dream, I will give almost anything to
make music.....
Exxpose: How may you be contacted?
Royce Dreams: Project Records, CEO Derrick (225) 993-4601
504-401-5560 or my email [email protected]
Exxpose: What separate you from other artists?
Royce Dreams: I'm me..... I don't need to act or put on a front.....
I do this because I love it and its THE ONLY thing I know
Exxpose: As an artist is it necessary to promote yourself?
Royce Dreams: I do feel it's necessary to promote myself because I
want/need to be noticed and without being noticed where would I be
going with my music....
Exxpose: Do you find it necessary to invest money into your career?
Royce Dreams: it is necessary to invest money in myself and music
because you have to spend money to make money in this industry
Exxpose: What or what was your i nspiration? Who has helped you
to get where you are today?
Royce Dreams: My record label, Project Records. Also, Ms Wade (momz) OMGGGG without her I wouldn't be close to
anything dealing with the music industry...I love this lady and appreciate this lady like she was my own mama and I really
Exxpose Magazine 23
am thankful to work with her.