pRojecT...iT’S defining of yoUR chaRacTeR To haVe impacTed The commUniTy in a
major way having illustrated to hundreds of artists and patrons through your music
ideas. What inspired you to do music and music productions?
It‟s funny you should ask, because it was just that—it started out as simply an idea! After a few visits to New
York dating back to „2006, and meeting with staff of Apollo Theatre in Harlem, My business partner and
I entertained the thought of materializing an open mic event for our urban community in New Orleans and before we knew it...We were facing an audience of over 650 people at the Cricket
Club. I couldn't believe it myself. I was like, whoa! That‟s when I knew the community
needed us, and people just like us. My team—people who shared the vision and were
willing to go after it.
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So project what advice would you give to new
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aspiring artists coming up in the music game?
Well, first of all, you have to educate yourself because it‟s more to it than just being a
good rapper or a good singer. You have to know the business side of the industry. Lots
of paperwork will be presented to you like never before and if you sign your name on the
wrong contract—without knowing what it is ...your career can be over before it gets started.
: Tell us something about yourself as it relates to being in the mu-
sic industry? My mission is to help others get in the game. Like people who are trying to succeed.
Local community artists who otherwise, wouldn‟t have a road map to the industry. Ya know, the young
people in the hood.
Who are some of the artists you have worked with? Also, who are you
currently assisting to pursue music careers? I‟ve worked with a lot of artists...primarily
from the heart of new Orleans. Namely, Lil Derrick, Boss-D, B-Spitta, Diggy and Arionna King. I‟ve
also worked with artist in Dallas, new York, and Mississippi. All of the real talents is in the streets.
WhaT aRe Some of The pRojecTS yoU’Re cURRenTly WoRking? Project records is
pursuing the idea of starting a ghost writing team. Also, I have launched a book series (coming soon).
The first book is titled “Frozen hearts, part one, an urban novel.
What is the one thing you want everybody to know about you? We are here
to help our community. The young, up and coming artists. “If you give a person a chance at a new life
and show them that there is a better way to make it in life without selling drugs or committing crime—
you will save a life.” That‟s what life is about to me, “Project The Boss.”
[email protected]