of New Orleans
The Whistle Blower
Series Book Author & Publisher
“Morris Sabastian Villia”
Publishing Company? MSV Publisher.
What a your career background and where are you from? I‟m originally from Plaquemine, Louisi
It’ hist i ana, (Iberville Parish)—Country boy. Love the city. The city spoiled.
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on a bo o w
What or who inspired you to publish books? Reading Langston Hughes books…”Great writer”. From his
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concept, he wrote pretty deep stuff. He inspired me, I read his stuff and decided I can do that.
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o your journey in the publishing industry has
What would you say n
l easy or hard, I‟d tell anyone, it‟s not the
been like? Hasn‟t beeny!
skills you have, It‟s the individuals‟ social power and social control. The will to be on point at all times, is a must. Regardless of
relationship, family or work problems, one must overlook and
overcome those obstacles. Don‟t show weakness at any time.
What’s the one thing you want readers to know about you? I
want them to know that I‟m a very social professional hones B