Extol Sports March 2018 | Page 46

BodyBuilderMom POWERED BY EXTOL SPORTS, LAC & WHAS 11 By Angie Fenton Darn You, Taco Tuesday Each time I falter on my quest to get fit, I come back with a fervor. Recently, I allowed myself to be derailed by Taco Tuesday. No, I didn’t not want ground turkey tacos on a low-carb tortilla, I wanted to go to El Nopal and eat my weight in chips and salsa and order authentic ground beef and cheese tacos, thank you very much. I did, I enjoyed and then I started on the “right” path once again the next day, this time cajoling my husband into joining me. One of our downfalls is a lack of time, which means grabbing whatever we can throw together and making a meal out of it. Although we don’t usually keep sweets and junk food in the house – our toddler’s nearly 2-pound box of baked Goldfish crackers doesn’t count, although their little carb-filled bodies sure can be tempting – taking the time to prepare healthy fare can be time consuming and leaves room to make excuses about why we should just pick up something to-go at a local restaurant. So, I eked out an afternoon and spent it cooking, chopping and baking a variety of foods so they’d be there at the ready. Then, I took out our food scale 44 EXTOL SPORTS / MARCH 2018 and packaged meals in Tupperware containers that have separators. For two days, my husband and I stayed steady: We drank at least 8 ounces of water with lemon juice first thing in the morning. Breakfast was an egg sandwich (one egg for me; two for him) on multigrain Sandwich Slims. Lunch was 4 ounces of baked chicken breast I’d already cut into pieces with steamed asparagus spears and a portion of a sweet potato. Dinner was the same minus the added carbs. I started actually measuring the amount of creamer I put in my morning coffee and was astounded by the amount. I’m not giving up the java, but I’ve started making it less like a milkshake and am enjoying the true taste of coffee for the first time. encouraging one another to keep going. Then, one night we both came home ravenous and unwilling to eat yet another meal of chicken and asparagus. The husband and I were a team on this mission, To combat our food boredom, which helps keep Instead of derailing our progress, we Googled a few recipes for a filling ramen dish and then went about creating our own using chicken broth, all kinds of vegetables, lean pork, shrimp and our new favorite noodle substitute, House Foods Tofu Shirataki (20 calories, 1 gram of fat, 6 grams of carbs per package). After simmering everything together and adding Sriracha sauce and other spices, we topped each bowl with a poached egg and micro greens and had a delicious, healthy, filling ramen rendition. Even the 2-year-old enjoyed it, spice and all.