Extol Sports February 2018 | Page 42

TM st re ng t hing f a m ilie s f r o m w i t h i n POWERED BY FOUR BARREL FITNESS By Adam & Kristin Kleinert Working Toward Some Peace a s t m o n t h, w e b r i e f l y illustrated the effects stress often has on our family. If you didn’t catch that particular column, just know that the role stress plays in our household is significant, both individually and as a family unit. And, because we agreed that our current stressors are simply a reality of a lifestyle we love, we decided to explore and employ some new management and coping skills. First, we took a look into the concept of visualization and, particularly, how it relates to personal focus and anxiety management. We spoke with a local expert to learn about benefits of a visualization practice and we researched methods for application. This month, we began trying out some of the methods we learned. Additionally, we discovered and utilized several other concepts that proved to be effective. L Visualization, Guided Relaxation & Simple Meditation Visualization practice was an appealing jumping off point for us. Proponent studies have shown very positive results for people who sought improvement in multiple areas in which our family struggles. Because we each deal with stress a bit differently and also are each seeking results for varying issues, we decided this method might be a great place to start. 40 EXTOL SPORTS / FEBRUARY 2018 We began with basics such as sitting in a quiet space and simply imagining success in an area where we needed improvement. These areas obviously vary among the individuals in our clan (for instance, Dad isn’t searching for test-taking focus, nor is Mom looking to improve her performance on the basketball court) but the concept is the same. Quiet space, open mind, visualizing a tangible, desired outcome. As we sought more information and delved a bit deeper, we added other elements to the practice. List-making, strategy building, goal setting, reflection. We began coupling these exercises with the practice of a concept called “Crocodile Breathing” and, before we knew it, we began seeing results. For our two youngest children, we downloaded several different free apps that offered guided We were aware of the therapeutic benefits journaling can offer those who partake in it, but we overlooked the additional perks that can be experienced. Both kids (and the adults with whom they interact) noticed a reduction in stress level after each journal session. However, they also seemed to feel more in control of their own anxieties. In addition, Eli’s journal assignments have seemed to help him to become more organized and maintain his focus surrounding important tasks. Crocodile Breathing Another – and quite possibly the most important – skill we’ve put into practice is that of “Crocodile Breathing.” While the concept itself is nothing new, the proper way to employ this ... DAD ISN’T SEARCHING FOR TEST-TAKING FOCUS, NOR IS MOM LOOKING TO IMPROVE HER PERFORMANCE ON THE BASKETBALL COURT) BUT THE CONCEPT IS THE SAME. relaxation and simple meditation. (We felt the above mentioned practices might still be a bit above their heads for now.) Both have seemed to enjoy giving these a try, especially at bedtime. As time passes, we’d like to ad