The government simply cannot be
blind to the fact that people are
suffering because of their inability to
receive health care. Next to
education, a health care reform could
stabilize the country. It would be, in
many ways, a way to show other
country leaders that we care about
the well-being in our country.
Research money could be given
across the globe to help fight
diseases that affects the globe:
cancer, AIDS, transmitted diseases,
mental deficiencies, PTSD etc. An
organized system with money and
public help and reformation could
change the way America works for
the better; a healthy country is a
prosperous country.
Money that we give the government
should be instead put to good use. A
healthy country is a stable country;
more help is needed to those who are
injured, veterans, the disabled and
those with acute mental conditions
that affect that person’s daily life. The
government should consider instilling
research money towards debilitating
or life-threatening diseases so we can
be a prosperous country, not one
looked down upon by other countries
as ‘lazy Americans’. Although this
process may take years, the benefits
would be worth more than any war
could ever bring forth.
Creating a stable health care
system is vital for any country. A
country’s occupants need to make
sure they are happy, healthy and
mentally stable to carry on a country’s
virtue. Having intuitive professionals
work with people that need to recover
and get back to the real world is
beyond vital to the success of the
human race as a whole. Helping
people work on inner peace and
happiness so they are able to spread
the contagion that is happiness and