Expression Jan. 2014 | Page 2

The Expression

Expression Staff

Dan Johnson

Anna Grace Glaize

Ryan Garmeson

Crystal Boutwell

Technical Editor:

Tyler Reid


We as human beings feel the constant need to express ourselves. We unconsciously want to know about other people and we want ourselves to be known. We want our voices to be heard and our stories to be told. We have experienced so much in our lives, how can we not want to share our ideas with others? Socrates says that “humans are social beings. When they have an idea they want to share it with others. We know that the loudest voice is sometimes in the form of art that makes no noise at all.

We have entered an age where young people are expressing themselves more than ever in art, music and literature. Why shouldn’t we? Isn’t the opposite of expression repression? If you feel like making music, do so. Do not hold back the feelings and keep them inside. Have you ever wanted to do something/say something but didn’t? Have you ever felt some way but said nothing about it? You have a voice and you have a right to be heard. Whatever reason you may have for not saying or doing something is over-ruled here. This is the place where the student body’s voice is heard, where their individual colors shine through.

This magazine is a collection of all the thoughts, feelings, emotions and talents that people feel a need to share. We call it The Expression and hope you enjoy it.

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