exploring_f01_grader_a1.xlsx (solution) Homework | Page 3

7 Change the page orientation to Landscape . Change the 12 margins to Narrow .
8 On the Smoking Quiz worksheet , replace all
8 occurrences of​CDC with ​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention​ .
9 Insert a text box beginning at the upper left corner of cell 8
I5 and ending at the lower right corner of cell K12 .
10 Select and cut the contents of cell A2 , the Mark Twain
10 quote ( just the text , not the cell ). Paste the cut text into the text box .
11 Change the font size of the content of the text box to 18 . 8
12 Check spelling and fix any found errors . The word 8 hairlike is not misspelled so do not correct it .