exploring_f01_grader_a1.xlsx (solution) Homework | Page 2

2 On the Cigarette Cost worksheet , add the name Kelly 6
Crume to cell A10 .
3 Change the font colors of cells G3 through I4 to Red . 8
4 Italicize the Annual Cost cells ( F3 and F4 ). 8
5 Click cell G7 , and then insert an online picture from
Office . com clip Art using the keyword ​cigarette​ . Insert the picture of the broken cigarette with tobacco . For your reference , the file , exploring _ f01 _ grader _ cigarette . jpg , has been included with your data files .
6 Resize the picture proportionately so that its height is
2.45 ”. Reposition it so that the upper left corner aligns with the upper left corner of cell B7 . Click outside the picture to deselect it .