Variable category are displayed . Display the values as percentages of the grand total .
5 Insert a Year slicer in the worksheet and use the slicer
4 to filter the data so that only data from 2013 is displayed . Change the height of the slicer to 2 " and then reposition it so that the top left corner aligns with the top left corner of cell I2 .
6 Create a PivotChart based on the data in the PivotTable
4 using the default Pie chart type . Change the chart title text toVariable Expenses and remove the legend . Add data labels to the outside end position displaying only the category names and leader lines . Reposition the chart so that the top left corner aligns with the top left corner of cell F13 .
7 On the HomeLoan worksheet , in cell A10 , enter a
4 reference to the monthly payment from column B . Create a one-variable data table for the range A9 : H10