save the workbook as​exploring _ ecap _ grader _ c2 _ Transactions _ LastFirs t​ .
2 On the JuneTotals worksheet , sort the data in the range
A3 : E16 in ascending order by Category . At each change in Category , use the Sum function to add subtotals to the data in the Amount column . Accept all other defaults . Collapse the outline to show the grand total and Category subtotals only .
3 Create a PivotTable in cell F1 on the AnnualExp
4 worksheet using the data in the range A1 : D17 . Add the Expense field to the PivotTable as a row label ; add the Amount field as the value ; add the Year field as the column label . Change the format of the values in the PivotTable to accounting with no decimal places and set colums F : J to AutoFit Column Width .
4 Add the Category field to the Report Filter area of the 4
PivotTable . Filter the data so that only expenses in the