exploring_e02_grader_h4.xlsx (answer) Homework | Page 4

cell references as needed in the formula . Copy the formula to the range W4 : W21 .
8 In cell X3 of the Grades sheet , use a VLOOKUP
9.000 function to calculate the letter grade equivalent . Use the range name to reference the lookup table in the function . Copy the formula to the range X4 : X21 .
9 Name the passing score threshold in cell B1 with the 4.000 range name ​Passing​ .
10 In cell Y3 , use an IF function to display a message
6.000 based on the student ’ s semester performance . If a student earned a final score of 70 or higher , display the label ​Enroll in CS 202​ . Otherwise , display the label RETAKE CS 101​ . Use the range name in the function