exploring_e02_grader_h4.xlsx (answer) Homework | Page 3

are indicated by the column labels M1 and M2 . Copy the function to the range U4 : U21 .
6 In cell G3 of the Grades sheet , calculate the assignment
9.000 average for the first student . Assignments are indicated by the column labels A1 through A5 . The formula should drop the lowest score before calculating the average using a combination of SUM , MIN , and COUNT . The argument for each function for the first student is B3 : F3 . Find the total points ( SUM ) and subtract the lowest score ( MIN ) from the result . Then divide the remaining points by the number of assignments ( COUNT ) minus 1 . Copy the formula to the range G4 : G21 .
7 In cell W3 of the Grades sheet , calculate the weighted
6.000 total points based on the four category points ( assignment average , lab points , midterm average , and final exam , in that order ) and their respective weights ( stored in the range B30 : B33 ). Use relative and absolute