Expert Investor - Fund Selector Asset Class Report October 2017 FSACR_Oct17_BOOK.v2 | Page 7

Bonds Buying/selling intentions Increase Hold Decrease Not use These tables show the forward-looking buying and selling intentions of European fund selectors and asset allocators towards various bond strategies. Developed mkt govt bonds: Sellers rule the sentiment picture with 40% of fund selectors looking to decrease weightings. Developed mkt corporate bonds: There is equally little appetite for investment-grade credit but holders are in the majority. Developed mkt high-yield bonds: Sentiment has turned against high yield with sellers outnumbering buyers; €3bn net fund losses in July alone. EM government and corporate bonds: The top pick among fixed-income asset classes with 30% expecting to buy more. Net fund flows have been positive in every month from Jan - Jul ‘17 amounting to over €41bn. Unconstrained bond funds: This is an interesting asset class; sentiment has been consistently positive and flows into unconstrained (flexible) bond funds have been exceptional - see page 14. Convertible bonds: We added this asset class to the mix 6 months back. About half of respondents use it and buyers and sellers are tied at one fifth of those. Developed market government bonds Convertible bonds Developed market high-yield bonds Emerging market government bonds 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 Q3 ’14 Q3 ’15 Q3 ’16 Q3 ’17 Developed market corporate bonds 0 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 Q3 ’14 Q3 ’15 Q3 ’16 Q3 ’17 0 100 100 80 80 80 60 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 Q1 ’17 Q2 ’17 Q3 ’17 0 Q3 ’14 Q3 ’15 Q3 ’16 Q3 ’16 Q3 ’17 Q3 ’14 Q3 ’15 Q3 ’16 Q3 ’17 Unconstrained bond funds 100 0 Q3 ’15 Emerging market corporate bonds 100 0 Q3 ’14 Q3 ’17 0 Q3 ’15 Q3 ’16 Q3 ’17 Sponsored by T. Rowe Price | 7