Expert Investor - Fund Selector Asset Class Report October 2017 FSACR_Oct17_BOOK.v2 | Page 7
Bonds Buying/selling intentions
Not use
These tables show the forward-looking
buying and selling intentions of European
fund selectors and asset allocators
towards various bond strategies.
Developed mkt govt bonds: Sellers rule
the sentiment picture with 40% of fund
selectors looking to decrease weightings.
Developed mkt corporate bonds: There is
equally little appetite for investment-grade
credit but holders are in the majority.
Developed mkt high-yield bonds:
Sentiment has turned against high yield
with sellers outnumbering buyers; €3bn
net fund losses in July alone.
EM government and corporate bonds: The
top pick among fixed-income asset classes
with 30% expecting to buy more. Net fund
flows have been positive in every month
from Jan - Jul ‘17 amounting to over €41bn.
Unconstrained bond funds: This is an
interesting asset class; sentiment has
been consistently positive and flows into
unconstrained (flexible) bond funds have
been exceptional - see page 14.
Convertible bonds: We added this asset
class to the mix 6 months back. About
half of respondents use it and buyers and
sellers are tied at one fifth of those. Developed market government bonds
Convertible bonds Developed market high-yield bonds
Emerging market government bonds
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
Q3 ’14
Q3 ’15
Q3 ’16
Q3 ’17
Developed market corporate bonds
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
Q3 ’14
Q3 ’15
Q3 ’16
Q3 ’17
100 100
80 80 80
60 60 60
40 40 40
20 20 20
Q1 ’17
Q2 ’17
Q3 ’17
Q3 ’14
Q3 ’15
Q3 ’16
Q3 ’16
Q3 ’17
Q3 ’14
Q3 ’15
Q3 ’16
Q3 ’17
Unconstrained bond funds
Q3 ’15
Emerging market corporate bonds
Q3 ’14
Q3 ’17
Q3 ’15
Q3 ’16
Q3 ’17
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