Experience UK Guide 2023 | Page 18


Fusing technology with immersive storytelling : Exploring live event trends


he live event sector is a dynamic space that never ceases to amaze , fusing technology with theatre to create incredible storytelling methods , enhancing audience engagement to unprecedented levels .
There are many innovative technologies out there right now , but I will touch on three key emerging trends that we at The Department are frequently coming across : Mixed Reality , Hybrid Storytelling , and AI machine-based creativity and personalisation .
Mixed Reality ( MR ) The fusion of two technologies ; virtual reality and augmented reality , has created a bridge between the physical and digital worlds , offering an unparalleled opportunity to step into a mixed reality landscape , layered with interactivity and animation . If you ’ re looking for the best MR headset out there , look no further than the Meta Quest Pro . Only 7 months old , this agile tech is pushing the boundaries of what ’ s possible for live experiences . But , with tech enthusiasts eagerly awaiting the reveal of Apple ’ s Reality Pro , the Quest Pro could meet its match imminently .
While the incorporation of this technology makes for a unique , multi-sensory experience for audiences , it ’ s also a goldmine for marketers , allowing them to track interactions and gather valuable data for marketing efforts . This data will only lead to bigger and better live events in the future .
Hybrid Storytelling By telling stories that exist both in the real world and a virtual one , we ’ re bringing audiences closer , no matter where they are geographically . Hybrid storytelling allows for viewers to experience regular live events , but with added digital effects . This could be anything from overlaid graphic animations on a live game show , to AR audience participation at a music concert .
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