Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 98


Shining a light on public spaces

Squidsoup ’ s installations aim to alter , augment and cast a new perspective on public spaces , actively seeking new avenues and audiences outside of conventional art locations ; using light , space , sound and technology to transform public areas into new forms of shared experience .
Singularity is Squidsoup ’ s most ambitious touring artwork to date , most recently shown at Battersea Power Station as part of their annual light festival . In mathematics and physics a singularity is a point of extreme variability where normal rules no longer apply , and the unknown becomes the norm . They exist at the limits of our understanding – from black holes to everyday occurrences such as weather patterns . Squidsoup ’ s Singularity is an 8m diameter volume of light , imploding and exploding , an imagined point in time where things become uncontrollable and irreversible .
Shoal is a site-specific work that weaves among the buildings of Woodlands , Texas , before dissipating across the courtyard by the lake . Commissioned by Howard Hughes Corporation , the permanent artwork transposes the movements of shoals of fish
Singularity close up at Battersea Power Station , 2024 Credit Rikard ôsterlund
98 Squidsoup