Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 11


Perma-Crisis - which suggests something far greater and more permanent .
So how should we - the Experience Economy Industry - respond at this critical moment and SHINE the brightest we have ever shone ?
In challenging times - it ’ s always wise to reflect on other pivotal moments - so borrowing from the wisdom expressed by Joe Pine when at the turn of the Millennium he transmitted his observations ( indeed his prophecy ) to a then sceptical world - stating that …….
….. “ Make no mistake : Goods and Services are no longer enough . Experiences are the foundation for future economic growth ”…..
So at this - our generation ’ s pivotal moment ……..
…..” Experience Economic performance ALONE is no longer enough . Experiences must underpin social , environmental , economic and even political cohesion ”…..
To rise to that challenge - what is proposed , implemented and operated in any location must aim to be far more intrinsically beneficial and inspiring - indeed almost becoming universally loved - by the host Community ( and not simply by the visiting or resident brand loyalists ).
Host Communities could mean ; Main Streets , Villages , Towns , Cities or even a whole Nation - maybe the World ….
This may sound very philosophical BUT in fact it ’ s primarily about robust , resilient and pragmatic Strategy - delivering Real and Tangible positive Outcomes way beyond normal performance KPI ’ s .
To illustrate such experiential alchemy - satisfying Social , Environmental , Economic and Political needs - this collection of imaginative proposals acts as a nudge of the compass pointing towards that North Star ….
Footprints environmental and political
Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 in partnership with www . rayhole-architects . com