Children and adults enjoy a vast range of fun at HUPALUPA , with I-AM shaping a fun and engaging brand
Applying a Life-Led™ strategic lens ensures businesses and revitalised high streets that their offer meets the needs of the people it wants to connect with and for tomorrow ’ s changing consumer .
The Life-Led approach puts people at the centre of urban transformation projects . I-AM ’ s expert team of designers and researchers use the insights gained from the strategic Life-led approach to design urban transformations that are measurable , effectively implemented and create positive changes in people ’ s lives .
I-AM ’ s portfolio proves their bespoke approach to be successful . A model example
in partnership with includes Burda Shopping Mall , with I-AM creating a modern Babylon , which seamlessly blended F & B , retail and entertainment to create engagement by awakening various functions .
Other completed I-AM projects include HUPALUPA , a branded experience for families in Istanbul and a collaboration with NIKE , to create a world-class experience which combined art and technology .
I-AM has proved experience is the catalyst to revitalising city centres , urban spaces and local communities . Inspired by the Life-Led™ approach ? Get in touch with I-AM today .
www . i-amonline . com
Experience On Main Street 29