Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 116


Time travelling through history

Musemio is an immersive next-generation storytelling platform for children to enjoy and explore the world around them . It allows young people to interact with cultural contexts in a mobile VR and 3D environment where they can play and join quests while learning .
The company co-creates incredible experiences with museums , heritage sites and charities , unleashing the power of stories hidden behind their walls to be enjoyed from the comfort of home using only a smartphone . The venture ’ s leadership is recognised internationally by Forbes 30under30 and Creative Industries Council ‘ 100 ones to watch ’, while the team has delivered cutting-edge innovation backed by InnovateUK and Horizon2020 ‘ XR4ALL ’.
The company is currently seeking flagship partners in Europe and the US to expand and build new inspiring immersive products with purpose and value for the younger generation .
One of the most prominent case studies is the partnership with the London Transport Museum and their Hidden London site . Musemio co-designed an interactive experience around Clapham South deep-level shelter as it was in 1944 , working with cultural professionals and a group of games-loving children .
Players travel through time , reliving accounts and stories from families staying in the shelter during the Second World War . Discovering the personal journey story of one young inhabitant , 10-year-old Margaret , players are encouraged to solve riddles and find artefacts that help to resolve the time-travelling adventure . Margaret ’ s character is based on a number of real children ’ s experiences who lived in deep-level shelters during the Second World War .
Clapham South deep-level shelter is not currently accessible for young people to visit , and while this may change in the future , at present , this game is the only way possible for children to get a glimpse of what life in the deep-level shelter must have felt like .
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