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provided the ‘ China-PSC Business Compass ’ service , the ‘ Investor ’ s One- Stop Service ’, and set up the Pavilion of China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Commercial and Trade Service Platform .
IPIM also collaborates with the Economic Development Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Co-operation Zone in Hengqin to organise Multi-venue Events in Macao and Hengqin , involving merchants from PSCs .
The 23 April Conference of Entrepreneurs was attended by nearly 700 leaders and representatives from governments , trade promotion agencies , chambers of commerce , and enterprises from mainland China , nine Portuguese-speaking countries , Hong Kong , and Macao . of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region ( PPRD ) and co-ordinated by IPIM and the Environmental Protection Bureau ( DSPA ).
The exhibition was an opportunity for Macao to outline is Long-term Decarbonidation Strategy the opening ceremony of the 2024MIECF was officiated by Ho Iat Seng , chief executive of Macao Special Administrative Region and other dignitaries .
This year ’ s MIECF has also launched the activity of version 2.0 of ‘ Macao Carbon Inclusion ’ and established an innovative mode for reducing carbon emissions . Visitors were recommended to complete the missions through the Macao Carbon Inclusion WeChat mini programme .
The Meetings Show Asia Pacific IPIM and the Economic Development Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Co-operation Zone in Hengqin ( the ‘ Co-operation Zone ’), also organised 14 Macao-Hengqin companies to participate in the new exhibition for the MICE industry in Singapore in April , where 500 business matching sessions took place at The Meetings Show Asia Pacific . IPIM has also , in recent years , aligned with the SAR government ’ s “ 1 + 4 ” development strategy while fostering the construction of the China-PSC ( Portuguse-speaking Countries ) Platform . IPIM invites companies from PSCs to participate in MICE events hosted / co-ordinated by IPIM and in 2023 the number of exhibitors from PSCs increased by 15 % compared to 2019 . Companies from these countries are increasingly leveraging the role of Macao as a China-PSC Platform to open doors to business opportunities , not only in mainland China but also internationally .
IPIM has also launched the ‘ Economic and Trade Co-operation and Human Resources Portal between China and Portuguese- Speaking Countries ’ and ‘ Invest Here ’,
200 conventions in four months More than 200 conventions and exhibitions were successfully held in Macao from January to April 2024 and , from May to June , Macao will host MICE events involving “ 1 + 4 ” industries , such as tourism and leisure , modern financial services and high technology , as well as infrastructure . According to the One-stop Service for MICE Bidding and Support provided by IPIM , 26 conventions and exhibitions will be held in this period and they are expected to attract over 14,000 visitors to the city .
IPIM works to maximise the efficacy of these events and has arranged various signing ceremonies to promote business and assist investors to set up companies in Macao .
IPIM set up a 225sqm exhibition zone at the 12th Macao International Travel ( Industry ) Expo ( MITE ) held 26-28 April , an event that brings together many domestic and overseas tourism operators and businessmen to Macao . Twenty Macao enterprises exhibited . EW
www . exhibitionworld . co . uk Issue 3 2024 33