Take five for the future
s every year , the UFI
A team has been listening and chatting with our members and industry leaders from all around the world to get their views on next year . Here , in five concise themes , is our view on what will shape the next 12-18 months .
Doubling down on customer focus It is easy to become distracted by the big picture , but it is important to stay focused on what we do best as an industry : build and operate marketplaces . In the coming year , we will ( re ) learn what we applied in the recession 15 years ago : focus on the customers , make sure they have a successful show and make the right connections . We will learn from other industries , other colleagues , other geographies , plans for dealing with inflation , strategies for adapting operations , and other workflow adjustments that are needed . But : Don ’ t let the pressures of the day distract you from that essential mission .
The climate crisis will hit This will impact us on multiple levels . Extreme weather conditions will lead to show cancellations or postponement more regularly ,
Kai Hattendorf UFI managing director / CEO
Kai Hattendorf , UFI managing director / CEO
and they will prevent some people from participating . Our customers increasingly have their own Net Zero targets to achieve , and that will shape the way they participate in our shows . We will also need to tangibly demonstrate our own ‘ race to zero ’ plans for our events which need to become a greener option for business each year . We will have to show that business events are part of the solution to the climate crisis . We have to compare the carbon impact of participating in our events to the carbon footprint required to generate the same amount of business without two or three days at a trade show . We can do this . We have the tools . Part of our Net Zero Carbon Events initiative is to develop the carbon aggregate measurements for events .
More data , less hype More and more , data insights and intelligence drive the development of shows and portfolios . We are done with debating whether or not ‘ the future is digital ’. It is and we are creating it
as an industry . What some still call ‘ hybrid events ’ is really just the smart adoption of technology and data to make the face-to-face marketplaces we run more successful . In 2023 , the hype around ‘ hybrid ’ or ‘ metaverses ’ fuelled by marketing spend from start-ups or Silicon Valley based conglomerates , will lose steam . People will use what actually works for them . It will be less glamorous , but more efficient .
Staffing stays key Everyone is hiring . Still . And it will stay like this . We need new skills , new talent , and new perspectives . We now understand that we need to better ‘ sell ’ our industry to the people who we want to work with us . Our Next Generation Leaders say that we are the industry that builds and serves communities . Let ’ s be at the forefront of people ’ s minds as they are entering the workforce ! Let ’ s work to bring in the most diversely talented and educated people that make – and keep – our industry a true melting pot of different talents .
Accelerating change During the pandemic , we learned how to flex our adaptability muscles . We had time to experiment and learn from both our successes and failures . Since then , we have had a bit of a return to normal . But we cannot just ‘ play our greatest hits ’ – we need to push the envelope . We need to do more . We now have teams who are seasoned at fast adaptation . They are making more databased decisions and are open to learning from each other . Expect this to lead to more new ideas , new formats , new launches , mergers , acquisitions and other developments that will drive the eternal engine of our industry .
www . exhibitionworld . co . uk Issue 1 2023 9