Can you tell us a bit more about Manual & Marketplace , how would you describe it ? Put simply , I believe it ’ s the most powerful online exhibitor manual and ecommerce marketplace on the market ! For more than a decade we ’ ve constantly been developing and evolving it to meet customer requirements not only for organisers , but contractors and exhibitors alike . Operations teams can rely on the manual side of the platform to distribute important information to their exhibitors and to gather the time critical information they need in the run up to an event . The ecommerce marketplace functionality was specifically engineered to process orders for the exhibition industry and allows multiple contractors to sell their products and services in one place ; and exhibitors to purchase these in a single transaction with a single invoice : the fullservice and hassle-free shopping experience consumers expect these days . We ’ ve seen ecommerce marketplaces disrupt so many other industries and now more and more organisers are embracing this model in ours , which is an exciting shift .
What are your views of the current state of Event Technology ? These are interesting times . Event organisers are increasingly turning to technology to deliver exhibitor ROI and boost visitor engagement at their events . As a leading provider of event registration , our team witnesses first-hand the challenges event organisers and their audience face when trying to navigate these third-party technologies . I think for me personally , LiveBuzz has an enviable reputation and proven track record for event registration , but I hadn ’ t fully appreciated the extent of their integrated suite of event technology .
What makes us unique is that our products and services are underpinned by a technically advanced platform , LiveControl ; and because LiveControl handles all the visitor and exhibitor event data as well as digital exhibitor profiles and products , including the event ’ s conference content , we can effortlessly deploy this content to our online products , as well as from desktop to mobile , while the show is onsite , without the need for a separate event app . With all this tech at our fingertips , I still believe it ’ s important to pair innovation in technology with customer service and working in partnership with clients . At LiveBuzz we believe it ’ s our blend of innovation , excellent software , experienced team and working in partnership with clients that sets us apart from our competitors . We are proud of the event technology we offer but I think it ’ s fair to say we take just as much pride in our people . It ’ s our teams and putting the client at the heart of everything we do that make sure that from Registration , Websites and Exhibitor Hub to Visitor Engagement and Manual & Marketplace , we achieve the best result for the client , show by show , year on year .
Emma Light Head of Operations , Montgomery Group We ' d often received feedback from our exhibitors that it was time-consuming and overly complicated to place and coordinate individual orders with multiple suppliers . LiveBuzz have a truly powerful system that has allowed us to bring these services into a one-stop-shop , conveniently inherently part of their online manual offering , allowing our exhibitors to place a single order and receive a single invoice , for multiple services , from multiple suppliers . We ' ve been delighted to use the LiveBuzz Operations Manual and Marketplace this year on our shows and see this model as a game-changer for our industry !
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