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Exhibition News Magazine
Digital is dead . Long live digital .
N ews of the virtual bubble bursting has prompted voices in some quarters of the exhibitions industry to declare victory from the hilltops . Everyone the EN team spoke to for our technology issue was pretty clear that they do not want to hear any more talk about whether virtual events are going to take over from live . That conversation is dead and burried .
But the digital future is not projecting live exhibitions onto computer screens , it is harnessing the power of AI , tracking , data analysis and robotics , not only to make in-person events better – but to simultaneously prove they still have value .
Those organisers recovering well post-pandemic are cherry picking the best bits of technological innovation to enhance their events . Hyve ' s Jessica Natinsky gives us brilliant insight into their omnichannel strategy from p10 . The best event tech out there is helping exhibition organisers pinpoint exactly what their visitors are doing before and after events as well as tracing their exact interactions on show floors . These are not just nifty gadgets or gimmicks- but ways organisers can help their exhibitors make the most of their in-person exhibiting experience – and prove ROI .
All of our contributors this month have been clear that there are many great ideas we can copy from other industries -apps that work as well as Uber and Deliveroo and platforms that stream 365 content streaming as well as Netflix ( p17 ).
The only downfall to this digital evolution , Tarsus CEO Doug Emslie tells us ( p37 ) is that the event tech companies currently out there may not be big enough to keep up with the global scale of the largest international organisers .
We may have only just started the engine , but exhibitions can leap forward through technology .
Emily Wallin Editor Exhibition News
Printed by Pensord Press Ltd .
September — 05