Exhibition News October 2022 | Page 51

Specialist Entertainment Insurance Broker

From the world ’ s largest arena tours , festivals and exhibitions to intimate gatherings of a handful of people , our entertainment team have provided risk management and insurance solutions to clients operating across the industry .

Howden Howden
Re is a is trading a trading name name of Howden of Howden Reinsurance
Insurance Brokers Brokers Limited Limited
, , part part of of Howden
Howden Group
Group Holdings
Holdings . Howden
. Howden Insurance
Reinsurance Brokers
Brokers Limited
Limited is authorised is authorised and regulated and regulated by the by the Financial
Financial Conduct
Conduct Authority
Authority in respect in respect of general of general insurance insurance business . business Registered
. Registered in England in England and and Wales
Wales under under company company registration registration number number 725875 .
7142031 Registered . Registered
Office Office
: One : One
Creechurch Creechurch
Place Place
, London , London
. Calls . Calls may may be be monitored monitored and and recorded recorded for quality for quality assurance assurance purposes purposes . 08 /
. 22 13 / Ref 09 Ref
: 7842 :