A global perspective on
Sophie Holt, global strategy director at Explori and report author,
shares insights from the new Global Visitor Insights study
n the last issue of EN, Chris Skeith [CEO of the AEO] told us that
two-thirds of UK organisers were planning an international launch
during the next two years.
So, what can the latest Explori study, in partnership with UFI, the
global association of the exhibition industry, tell us about the needs
and preferences of trade show visitors beyond our shores?
With 13,000 survey responses from 135 countries, Global Visitor
Insights is the biggest study of the trade show visitor experience
ever undertaken. It was made possible by the support of many
organisers around the world, UFI’s member network and the Society
of Independent Show Organizers (SISO). Unlike Explori’s global
benchmarks, Global Visitor Insights doesn’t focus on single shows;
their execution and their organiser. Instead, it focusses on the
individual, their preferences, their business needs and their view of
trade shows as a business channel, wherever they attend events.
And as such, it raises some interesting challenges for organisers
who seek to court the overseas visitor – whether to launch an event
internationally, or to attract visitors to events run in the UK…
Here are four challenges highlighted by the survey results:
When we were analysing the survey results, personally I was
expecting to see attitudes to sustainability vary by age, but this
was not the case. Visitors in their 30s expressed similar attitudes to
sustainability to those in their 50s and 60s. While most (78 per cent)
thought it was important that the shows they attended were run in a
sustainable way, it has a less strong behavioural impact with 38 per
cent of visitors in developed markets telling us sustainability has an
effect on their decision to attend a show.
But again, we see a big difference in the developing markets, notably
Middle East, Asia and Africa, where the majority of visitors (up to 58
per cent) told us they would not attend a show that had a poor attitude
towards sustainability. Technology could offer a solution to this. If
given the opportunity to attend an event as a virtual avatar, 77 per
cent of visitors from developing markets said they would definitely do
this, compared to only 48 per cent in developed markets.
Through the survey, we had the opportunity to test how inclusive
our trade shows feel to our visitors. We used a broad question to
capture all aspects of how an individual may feel included or excluded:
The positive news for the industry globally, is that in the eyes of
“Have you ever felt less welcome at a trade show because of your
our visitors, experience of trade shows is favourable and stable. Key
personal characteristics (such as gender, age, race etc)?”
indicators such as overall satisfaction and Net Promoter ScoreTM have
In Europe and North America, just under one in ten visitors had
remained stable for the last three years. When asked if trade shows are
felt less welcome at some point. But more starkly, one in five visitors
getting better or worse, the majority of respondents thought they were
from developing countries told us they had felt unwelcome at least
performing about the same, if not getting a little better.
once, giving reasons such as their religious or traditional dress or lack
But responses change by region. If we compare regions where the
of gendered spaces. This encompassed both those attending events in
trade show market is developed such as Europe and North America,
their own countries or travelling overseas.
there are signs of fatigue with the model. A higher proportion of
While the opportunity presented by the international market may
respondents from developed regions told us they thought trade shows
be huge and UK organisers are seeing strong growth from it, the study
were getting worse (up to 27 per cent vs up to 17 per cent in developing data suggests there will be some key characteristics among organisers
markets). Respondents from markets where the trade show industry is
who are most successful in satisfying the needs of new audiences.
developing were much more likely to think trade shows were enjoyable
and beneficial and they planned to attend trade shows even more
1. They will balance the tension between fulfilling business needs and
frequently in future.
creating memorable, sharable experiences.
2. They will demonstrate ‘best-in-class’ sustainability practices and
communicate their efforts well.
‘Festivalisation’ is a term that kept popping up in our interviews with 3. They will leverage technology to increase participation. Successful
organisers during the study – here we use it to mean any enhancement
organisers will continue to horizon scan for new technology but will
to the show format that the organiser makes with the objective of
only implement solutions that complement the objectives of their
improving the visitor experience. That doesn’t necessarily chime with
the mind-set of our current visitor cohort, especially in Europe, where
4. They will work with the whole community around their show,
most visitors tell us it doesn’t matter if a trade show is entertaining as
including venues and exhibitors to ensure that a welcoming
long as they can meet their business objectives.
environment exists for all visitors.
Many organisers reject the concept of festivalisation, believing
5. They will provide enough seats – It’s a universal complaint, topping
it is not appropriate for the community served by their shows. But
the list of visitor frustrations by some distance. From Birmingham
responses from visitors in developing markets gave a clear direction:
to Beijing, our visitors are telling us they would really like a sit
They told us they place equal value between meeting their business
objectives and being entertained. They were also much more likely to
Contact Sophie on [email protected] for more information.
say trade shows should be more like festivals.
January 2019 |