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Guest editor Phil Soar
Reporter Joe Gallop
Production manager Sabrina Boucher
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Exhibition News Magazine
Merry diversemas
T his isn ’ t any cushy soft issue to gently ease you into Christmas .
No Siree . Or lady , or whatever pronoun you prefer .
This is DIVERSITY . Yes , being a journalist I hate the unnecessary use of capital letters more than any of you , but this is a big issue and needs speaking about loudly .
In compiling this issue I encountered a few sharp intakes of breath . Are you sure ? It ’ s a thorny subject , glass houses etc . But as it is the massive white-faced male elephant in the exhibition hall it would be remiss not to address it .
As Gabby Austen Browne told me ( p16 ), don ' t use fear of getting it wrong as an excuse not to try .
Two independent reports this month have shined a glaring spotlight on the industry . Our cover feature highlights the dissatisfaction in levels of diversity felt by may many event profs worldwide . Read about how the Events Industry Council plans to tackle systemic racism , in Joe Gallop ’ s report from p10 .
The are also some great examples of diverse exhibitions , from ballsy businesswomen ( p23 ) to RuPaul ’ s sequined stilettoes ( p25 ).
I cannot pretend to have covered all aspects of diversity in these pages . In fact , with Lisa Hannant ’ s first interview as CEO of Clarion ( p38 ) and a female Star Wars director to boot ( p54 ) there are probably too many brilliant women in this issue – call it gender bias from a female editor if you like .
Regardless , we are all diverse , all different from each of the other 7.8bn people on this planet . Hopefully you can find something in this issue to open your eyes and hearts to make this industry the most accepting of all .
Emily Wallin Editor Exhibition News
December — 05