Exhibition II | Page 64

Por nuestra parte, nosotros realizamos varias acciones. Nuestra acción principal es que nosotros nos aliamos formalmente a la Fundación Biofundagro, para subir a la vereda Buenos Aires Alto en La Calera, (área protegida del PNN Chingaza). Subiremos cada mes para dar una capacitación sobre cómo hacer una agricultura limpia, cuidar las principales fuentes de agua del mundo, y la fauna y flora nativa del lugar. Empezaremos con tres familias.

Para encontrar esta acción, nosotros nos pusimos en los zapatos de una familia campesina que lo único que tiene para sobrevivir es su ganado y la agricultura. Y por supuesto, comprendimos que uno haría lo que sea para poder mantener a su familia. Los frailejones, principales conservadores de agua, que están en vía de extinción, Quiches de agua, Cardo-Piñuela, entre otras, son algunas de las plantas nativas que uno removería para empezar la siembra de papa, que es el alimento que más se cultiva en esta zona.

As students of the Tilatá school, we did different actions that can make a small change in the environment and in our community. We want them to take initiative, to take care of and preserve the environment through small actions that can make the difference. We have worked for months to obtain concrete and possible actions. From our side, we have performed several actions. Our main action is to establish a partnership with the Biofundagro Foundation, in order to go to the village of Buenos Aires Alto, in La Calera (Chingaza National Park protected area). We will go there every month to give training on how to make a clean agriculture, take care of the main sources of the water, wildlife and native flora of the place. We will start with three families.

To start this action we put ourselves in the shoes of a farmer family that needs to guarantee for a living through their cattle and agriculture. Of course one would do anything to support their family, even if it implies cutting off endangered plant such as frailejones, water quiches, cardo-pinuela, among others, in order to plant potato, which is the most common product growing in geographical and climate conditions. It requires a constant spraying, which makes the soil erosion most notable

In our school we planted some native tree species that are in danger of extinction. This was an activity carried out on the Earth's Day, by all the students of the Tilata school.