Exhibition II | Page 15


Relationships Between Flora, Fauna, and Mining


The relation between indigenous people and fauna was really strong. It was kind of a co-dependence, because indigenous people got most of their proteins from animals, but they also took good care of the animals. One might wonder how would they hunt animals, and take care of them at the same time? Well, when they went hunting, they did some rituals in which they asked the earth if they could hunt just the amount they needed. When they hunted they ate the meat, used the fur to make their clothes, and the bones to make their jewelry. They used almost every single part of the animals' bodies. They also believed that the animals were protected by some kind of mythological gods.


The relation between indigenous people and flora is really strong. They used to represent flora by symbols, dances, and their culture. The way in which they painted their faces was also related with flora. They represented different parts of a flower, a tree, or some other plants on their paintings. Trees still are really important in their culture. They represent the importance of life, the power and the force of nature. It is also related to the destiny of the human race. Indigenous people use plants to make their medicine, that is called natural medicine, some examples of plants they use are:

Manzanilla or Camomilla

Yerba Buena


Orange Blossom


Orange leaves, mandarin and lemon


Eucalyptus leaves



Autor: Sophia de la Rosa

Técnica: Lápices de Colores

Alto: 21 cm

Ancho: 28 cm