Exercise Guide | Page 30


Make Your Move

Work through Common Challenges

People with Parkinson ’ s often share , and research confirms , that there are many barriers to starting or sticking with exercise . These include limited time or resources , access to experts , lack of knowledge about exercise , PD symptoms and others .
Here , we discuss common stumbling blocks and suggest strategies for each . But always speak with your personal care team , especially if you have new or worsening symptoms during or after exercise .
Limited time : “ I ’ m too busy to exercise .”
Not having enough time is one of the main reasons people say they do not exercise . Exercise can feel like yet another “ to-do ” on top of working or volunteering , caring for or spending time with family , or managing doctor appointments , pharmacy trips and more .
+ Pencil it in . Make exercise a priority . Schedule an appointment in your calendar or datebook for exercise , just like you do a doctor ’ s appointment or work meeting . And set an alarm on your calendar , watch or phone to remind you .
+ First things first . Exercise early in the day , if possible . This gets exercise “ out of the way ,” before fatigue , a longer-than-planned day or other unexpected hiccups interfere with plans .
+ Make time . What can shift to allow time for exercise ? Might you get up a little earlier , walk or bike to work , or ask your partner or friend to drop off or pick up your children a few days a week ?
+ Do more in less time . Do flexibility exercises while listening to the radio or during TV commercials .
Head to the gym on the way to or from work or during your lunch hour . Meet a friend for exercise class before grabbing coffee . Take the stairs , stand at your desk or walk during meetings .
Limited resources : “ I don ’ t live near a gym and that ’ s too expensive anyway .”
Exercise can be done anywhere — even indoors , in small spaces and without any fancy equipment .
+ Move your body . You can get plenty of exercise with just your body — no weights or equipment needed ! Try sit-ups , push-ups , squats or jumping jacks , which are both strength and aerobic exercise in one .
+ Use your imagination . Common household items can serve as weights . These include things like milk jugs , water bottles or cans of soup . Go up and down stairs or do laps around the house or block for cardio .
+ Go low- or no-cost . You don ’ t have to pay for a gym membership . Look for exercise through :
– Community , wellness or senior centers