Exercise Guide | Page 29


What if Life or Parkinson ’ s Gets in the Way ?
Joe Drake , who lives with Parkinson ’ s , achieved his goal of running the Chicago Marathon in 2023 . to transition and is extra important if you have low blood pressure or balance problems .
+ Use it or lose it . Consistency is key . It can take a few weeks to see benefits , but only days for them to disappear if you stop regular exercise . This is why it ’ s so important to find something you enjoy and will stick with .
+ Safety first . Especially when exercising alone or outdoors , tell someone where you ’ re going and how long you plan to be out . Update emergency contacts in your telephone and / or wear an alert bracelet listing this information and your medical conditions .
+ Tune in to your body . This is how you find the right activities and effort levels . Some people have joint , muscle or back problems that can cause pain or discomfort , particularly with exercise . Consult a physical therapist , who can help you adapt exercise to prevent or limit pain .