Exercise Guide | Page 25

life with Parkinson ’ s — I ’ d like to get in and out of the car more easily or I want to feel more confident walking outside my home .
Write down three to four goals and make each SMART :
+ Specific : detailed — which activity , how long , how often , etc . Example : I ’ ll ride my stationary bike for 30 minutes at moderate intensity twice this week before I go to work .
+ Measurable : defined , trackable Example : I will go for a 10-minute walk with my spouse after dinner three nights a week .
+ Attainable : realistic ; challenging but possible Example : I am going to join a gym and take an afternoon spinning class once a week .
+ Relevant : matters to you Example : I ’ ll walk to the mailbox every morning without my cane .
+ Time-bound : within a set timeframe Example : I will go to boxing class every Monday at 10 a . m . for the next month .
For Richard Huckabee , cycling with his wife Angela is a way to incorporate exercise with relaxation — key for life with PD .
For each goal , ask : How confident am I , on a scale from one to 10 ( 10 being very confident ), that I will be successful ? If you answer five or less , reflect on why you don ’ t feel more confident . Are there barriers you need to work around or is the goal too hard right now ? Make sure each goal is “ just right ” — something that stretches you , but is within reach . As you achieve initial goals , you can set new , more challenging ones . And remember , goals to maintain — such as continuing your current fitness routine — can be important , too .
A physical and / or occupational therapist can help you set goals , build a plan to meet them , track progress and adjust along the way .


What , Exactly , Should I Do ?
“ Exercise saved my life . I didn ’ t exercise before Parkinson ’ s . I was 50 pounds heavier than I am now . At diagnosis , my doctor sent me to a physical therapist . And they invited me to be part of a drumming and dancing research study . I met a great group of people , a community I ’ m still in touch with . And that was a big part of getting the exercise , help and team I needed . My PT helped me walk without a cane . My occupational therapist taught me to drive again . My sports therapist taught me about injuries and how to let them heal .”
Richard Huckabee