DEVELOPMENT market has moved and seeing if they know people you should connect with . At this stage , ask yourself :
w Who in my network knows my strengths and values well ? w How can my network support my career step ? w Who don ’ t I know that I need to know to help support my next career move ?
Assess your learning edge During your time out of the profession , it ’ s likely that aspects of the work have changed . Talk to former colleagues and find out what ’ s stayed the same and shifted . Bear in mind , also , that you may need to take short courses to upskill and build out your capabilities and competencies .
Remember , the quest for knowledge and understanding never ends , particularly in a world of increasing connectedness and complexity . At this stage , ask yourself :
w How has my profession changed , and what new skills are required ? w What are the best options for uplifting my skills ? w How much time , money , and energy am I willing to devote to this ?
At this stage , ask yourself :
w What are my strengths and how have they helped my career ? w What is unique about what I do and how I work ? w How can I best articulate my value and worth ?
Find your advocates Reports suggest that between 60 and 80 % of jobs available are unadvertised and / or are sourced through a contact . Consequently , your network is crucial in helping you land your next role . So , systematically review your network and consider those whom you believe are strong advocates . These are people who :
w Know what you do w Respect your skills w Are willing to speak for you .
Make the time to meet with them and discuss your desired next steps but beware – this conversation isn ’ t about hitting them up for a job . Instead , it ’ s getting their advice about how the
Make each day matter Be deliberate as to how you spend your day . You want to prioritise and plan , so you ’ re making regular and sustained progress – and it can help to document your plan . Consider it your ‘ Career Reinvention Plan ’, covering the activities you need to do to get your career on track , complete with dates and any resources you need . You can then use your plan to track your progress .
As you build your plan and implement your approach to get back in the game , you will have good and not-so-good days . So , manage your energy wisely and , in your schedule , set aside time for you . This means considering activities that are good for you and will revitalise your body and soul , for example – how does listening to music , regular massage or a daily run sound ? Whichever does it for you , put it in your schedule and commit . When you ’ re busy , it can be hard to prioritise yourself but your body needs time to rejuvenate and you want to be ready to put your best self forward . At this stage , ask yourself :
w How will I best balance developing my career and health and wellbeing ? w What self-care activities do I need to prioritise ? w What new habits do I need to establish to ensure I put my best self forward each day ? S michellegibbings . com
Winter Issue 2023 | Executive PA 55