Executive PA Magazine Winter 2023 Executive PA Magazine Winter 2023 | Page 54

How to get back on track

In the past , taking time out from your career was seen as a derailer but now – with some planning and focus – it can be real asset , says Michelle Gibbings
Michelle Gibbings is a workplace expert . She is the author of ‘ Step Up : How to Build Your Influence at Work ’, ‘ Career Leap : How to Reinvent and Liberate your Career ’ and the new book ‘ Bad Boss : What to do if you work for one , manage one or are one ’.
There are many reasons people take a career break , whether it be raising a child , caring for an elderly parent , recovering from illness or needing space after an intensive work project . Whatever the reason , it is actually a perfect time to assess your work journey so far . You can breathe , take stock and decide what ( if anything ) you need to shift or change to step ahead .
Pick your speed When it comes to your career , doing it well doesn ’ t mean there is only one way or one path to follow . It ’ s about being proactive and deliberate about your choices so you can lead your career in the direction you want it to go .
Each person ’ s circumstances are unique , so be clear on what matters the most to you and identify what drives your career .
For you it may be having a fully flexible job where you can work where you want and when you want , or it may be about working parttime and still maintaining your professional occupation . For others , it could be about about learning and challenge , leaving a legacy or career advancement .
At this stage , ask yourself :
w What matters the most to me ? w When have I been the most motivated ? w What really drives me ? ( Status , financial security , learning , being challenged , service , being valued or something else ?)
Know your value proposition Everyone brings specific skills and ways of operating to the work they do . Think of it as your unique selling proposition ; what makes you stand out from the crowd . It includes the value you deliver through your work and how you engage and lead .
When you step back into your profession , you must explain how your value matches your desired role . It is easier to do this when you play to your strengths . And these strengths are the skills and competencies that help you stand out . These can be cleverly used as a launching pad to get back into the market , highlighting them in your LinkedIn profile and CV , and talking about them with your network , recruiters and prospective employers .
54 Executive PA | Winter Issue 2023