Executive PA Magazine Autumn 2025 | Page 48

Understanding best practice for EAs

As a passionate mentor and educator , Nina Hoven , explores our understanding of best practice for EAs to assist growth and excellence in a work environment .
When we talk about “ best practice ,” it ’ s easy to think there ’ s one golden rule that applies to every situation . A magic formula that guarantees success every time . But especially for an EA , that couldn ’ t be further from the truth . Best practice isn ’ t a one-size-fits-all solution . It ’ s about being flexible , understanding your environment , and adapting strategies to suit your unique relationship with your executive and the business you support .
Best practice is not the same for everyone EAs are vital to their executive ’ s success . Your job is to ensure that everything runs on time and that your executive is positioned to be their most effective self . The reality is that all executives are different – their needs , preferences and ways of working vary . Some executives work best with a structured schedule , while others prefer flexibility . Some want constant updates , while others value fewer interruptions .
This is why best practice is all about having several techniques you can draw from and apply , depending on the situation or role . A best practice that works beautifully for one EA / executive partnership may not work for another . The beauty of being an EA is that you can see and understand what method will work best .
Take the approach that allows you to be your best in your role today . It ’ s about what works in the moment , based on who you ’ re working with , the company ’ s culture , and how you and your executive function as a team .
Best practice is fluid or flexible One key thing to remember is that best practice is fluid . What worked for you last year might not work for you today , and that ’ s okay !
EAs must continually fine-tune their approach , adapting to new tools , new expectations and changes in your business . You might have a rocksolid method for managing an inbox today , but as technology evolves and your executive ’ s role changes , you may need to tweak that method to stay ahead .
Take email management , for instance . You might have started your role using a system where you categorised emails and flagged the urgent ones manually . But as the pace of your executive ’ s work increased , you might have realised that approach was slowing you down . So , you set
48 Executive PA | Autumn Issue 2025