“ Urgency seems to be the default setting for work these days , but if everything is urgent then nothing is urgent .”
DEVELOPMENT w Build in a buffer of 15 % of your time each day or to adapt , respond and take advantage of changing circumstances or curve balls .
2 Being more productive , or just the word “ more ” when it comes to productivity , is problematic . More time , more space , more strategies . More compared to what ? We have all the time we need and are ever going to get ; it ’ s about using what we have effectively .
WHY IT MATTERS “ More ” is a product of comparison . A recent study has shown that 12 % of our daily thoughts involve a comparison somehow . Maybe someone else ’ s looks , smarts , talents and achievements and it doesn ’ t make us any happier , more productive or more successful . It leaves us feeling a lack of satisfaction .
When we focus solely on the idea of “ more ”, we may overlook the importance of using our time and resources well . Additionally , striving for constant growth and output can lead to burnout and decreased quality of work .
WHAT TO DO INSTEAD w Have a laser-like focus on what ’ s important . Don ’ t get side-tracked by other people ’ s priorities , urgency and distractions . w Focus on doing less . What three things could you let go of , not do or postpone until later ? w When looking at your day , do you ask yourself , “ where can I find more time ?” Ask instead , “ what can I not do today ?” For example , rather than adding an hour to the start or end of your day , consider what meetings you could remove or projects you could delay .
3 The Eisenhower Matrix has been the go-to strategy for managing time and priorities for people for many years ( since the 1960s ), particularly after it was made famous by Stephen Covey in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People . Modern work has changed significantly , and it seems ridiculous when you think about it that we are still using frameworks that , whilst classic , are over 50 years old and unable to address situations where everything is urgent and important .
WHY IT MATTERS Urgency seems to be the default setting for work these days , but if everything is urgent then nothing is urgent . When we organise by urgency , we are often driven by other people ’ s agendas and timeframes . Or , we start at the top of the list and work our way down .
Further , the matrix oversimplifies complex tasks , is subjective and doesn ’ t always consider external factors .
WHAT TO DO INSTEAD w Think more about intensity and impact : Intensity is the amount of brainpower a task will require . Does it need deep thinking , concentration and focus ( high intensity )? Or can you do it with a blindfold on and one hand behind your back ( low intensity )? Impact is the return you will get on the time and energy you spend . If a task has a high impact or return , it should be prioritised more highly than something with low impact . w Pay attention to the clock in your body , rather than the clock on your wall , and do things at a time when your brain and body are ready for it . Typically , your most mentally intense work should be done before noon , and your routine work should be done in the afternoon . This can change depending on your chronotype , so identifying your natural circadian rhythms can help determine your best time to do work that requires high levels of alertness w Batching or organising your work according to like-style tasks or activities can also be helpful , particularly in the afternoon when you have a mental slump . This time of day is often wasted because we try to do things we are just not mentally equipped to do . Admin , routine meetings , and email processing are great for this time of day .
Working hard , doing more , and being in a constant state of urgency won ’ t get you results . Identify your most important work , protect time for it , and identify the level of intensity required to ensure you can maintain your energy and focus for the longer haul .
Traditional time management theories haven ’ t kept pace with modern workplace demands . The old adage of working smarter , not harder , is what is at play here . When you make conscious choices about what you need to do and then decide the best time to do it , you will set yourself up for successful , productive days . S donnamcgeorge . com
Donna McGeorge is a speaker , author and mentor who helps people make their work , work . Using a creative , practical approach , she improves workplace effectiveness while challenging thinking on leadership , productivity and virtual work .
“ Urgency seems to be the default setting for work these days , but if everything is urgent then nothing is urgent .”
Autumn Issue 2025 | Executive PA 47