Exchange to Change Sept 2017 20170911 E2C zomer web | Page 10
In the meantime...
Graduation ceremony
19 September 2017. It was an important day for the 2016-17 IOB
student cohort. After a year of hard work, tight deadlines, paper
writing, as well as hopefully new insights, skills and last but
not least a lot of fun, these students graduated from IOB. Both
the graduating as well as the newly arrived students’ interest
was raised by the keynote address ‘Recent trends in global
income inequality and their political implications’ by Branco
Milanovic, visiting Presidential Professor at City University of
New York Graduate Center and an affiliated senior scholar at the
Luxembourg Income Study (LIS). Furthermore, the graduation
ceremony was personalised with a musical interlude from three
IOB students (in the picture): Joao Antonio dos Santos Lima,
from Brazil (guitar); Laura Lopez Munoz, from Colombia (vocal)
and Fabio Berezza, from Brazil. They performed“Hay Amores”.
Finally, Mary Sayej, as president of the student committee and
on behalf of her fellow students, concluded with a beautiful
The graduation ceremony was livestreamed and is available
E xchange to change S eptember 2017
European Peace Science
Prof. Marijke Verpoorten (IOB) co-organised
the 17th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science
Conference in Antwerp (26-28 June 2017). There
were twelve panel sessions in total giving the
floor to 79 different paper presentations. More
information on the presentations and the
conference can be found on the website.