Exchange to Change January 2018 E2C January 2018 web | Page 6
The Rohingya crisis:
genocide or not?
The Rohingya Muslim minority have suffered institutionalized discrimination by the Myanmar
government since the late 1970s in the form of restrictions on many dimensions of life including
employment, marriage and education. The underlying cause of this discrimination may be traced
back to differences between the Rohingya minority and Myanmar’s dominant Buddhist groups in
terms of ethnicity, language and religion. However, the situation recently escalated when government
security forces brutally responded to attacks on police and army posts, which were claimed by a
militant group known as Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) . In an attempt to escape the
mass atrocities, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have fled Myanmar’s Rakhine state. In
what follows, Aung Zaw Min, Eva Albers and Abu Said Juel Miah will shed their light on this historic
migration crisis by discussing the (media) framing, consequences and potential solutions.
Aung Zaw Min Eva Albers Abu Said Juel Miah
- Alumnus Governance and
Development (2016), Myanmar - Master of Law (KU Leuven) - Alumnus Governance and
Development (2013), Bangladesh
- Independent journalist
- Wrote Master thesis on the media
framing of the Rohingya crisis
E xchange to change J anuary 2018
- Current education: European Master
in Human Rights and Democratization
(European Inter-University Centre,
Venice, Italy)
- Wrote Master thesis on whether
the Rohingya crisis can be seen as a
genocide under International Law
- Senior Programme Manager -
Research and Policy
- Transparency International