Opportunities &
Evaluation Capacity Development Seminar
From 8 until 20 October 2018 , the Special Evaluation Office of the Belgian Development Cooperation and the Institute of Development Policy ( University of Antwerp ) jointly organise the Evaluation Capacity Development Seminar : Strengthening National M & E capacities : National Evaluation Societies as a Driving Force This two-week capacity development seminar aims to bring together leading evaluation experts ( members of National Evaluation Societies , VOPE ) in developing countries to strengthen those evaluation societies in taking up the role of developing national M & E capacities and use . The capacity development seminar wants to attract evaluation experts from the government sector , civil society , parliament , audit offices , donor agencies , private sector and academia . All participants should have a university degree , professional expertise in M & E ( mid-level to high level professionals ) and be a national of a country with whom Belgium has signed a Common Strategic Framework Agreement . Eight to ten country teams , each team composed of a maximum of three M & E experts ideally from different sectors ( government , civil society , academia , …) will be selected and granted a scholarship financed by the Special Office of the Belgian Development Cooperation . Evaluation societies should thus encourage several of their members to apply ! More detailed information on the seminar programme and the organizers can be found on : http :// www . uantwerp . be / iob / evaluationsocieties .
Exchange to change January 2018