Exam Graphic X / 2017 / Botanic indesigndraft3 | Page 9

“it is important to keep up with the curi- ous attitude for exploring different in- gredients if you want to create something new and unique. “ that they have plans to build a tasting room in the basement. Jakob jokes that he keeps there his girlfriend so it would make sense to have some other use for the basement as well. Mik- kel and Jakob imagination to create excellent cocktails goes even beyond their vision of the interior of the Rusty Jigger. Both of them likes to explore new ingredients. At the moment they are developing a drink made of “karsi” which has been really hip ingredient lately in the food scene of Copenhagen. Sometimes their experiments might go wrong like a cock- tail with spinach, but it is important to keep up with the curious attitude for exploring dif- ferent ingredients if you want to create some- thing new and unique. The Rusty Jigger col- laborates with Shirleys Garden which allows them an acces to fresh organic raw materials. Mikkel does not see other cocktail bars in Co- penhagen as a competitors. Everyone has their own thing going and the people in the cocktails scene happily recommends other places than their own for guests if they see that it would be better fit for them. When the atmosphere between cocktail bars in Copenhagen is open B O T A N I C 09