Exam Graphic X / 2017 / Botanic indesigndraft3 | Page 10

B O T A N I C 010 drives that you to become better in a good spirit when you know what oth- er bars are doing and as well pushes you to stand out with your own style. For Mikkel it is important to pro- vide service without any extra has- sle. In the focus there is cocktail itself and the guests wishes. That is tak- en consideration when naming the drinks for example with only num- bers. It should be as easy as possi- ble to order a drink without feeling uncomfortable with tricky naming. Jakob and Mikkel aims to change the cocktail menu once in awhile to keep their regular guests surprised but they are always willing to make cocktails as well outside of the menu. The area where The Rusty Jigger is lo- cated in the Vesterbro is growing fast in the Copenhagen. Even though the bar is located outside of the inner city is there easy to find with the good bik- ing route that is easy follow from the central of Copenhagen. This place is for sure worth of visiting are you then living in the neighbourhood or in the biking distance. Cock- tails are not anymore just a luxu- ry. Enjoying a cocktail can be the get away from reality everyday. It is about quality over quantity.