Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 17

fort URB By Candice Wilson Benefits • When there is a small level of anxiety, such as a deadline or an exam there is more pressure to be PRODUCTIVE. Have you ever noticed that when you are very busy you achieve a lot more in your day than when you are quieter? This is because when there is no pressure on you, this leads to procrastination and avoidance of doing the work. • When you get used to pushing the limits and stepping out of your comfort zone, you will find that you become ADAPTABLE to change and face challenges head on. You will be able to take anything that life throws you in your stride and you will enjoy the ride. • Every time you step out of your comfort zone it becomes easier. Over time you will extend the boundaries of your zone further and further. Expanding your mental comfort zone expands your life. Before you know it, you will feel comfortable and secure in areas of your life you considered outside the zone before. • Living outside of the zone increases your CREATIVE abilities. Thinking outside of the box becomes a way of life which improves every aspect of your life because you think of and find unique solutions when you continue to work in your Optimal mode. • Improves self-confidence, the more you push and grow your boundaries the better you feel about yourself. When you achieve something you didn’t believe was possible, it makes you feel amazing and powers the belief that you can live and have an exceptional life. Ewya Nov 2016 -17