Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 16

Kick your Comf Zone to the CU Staying in a comfort zone is easy and safe but it prevents you from facing the challenges that lead to living an exceptional life. Scientists describe the comfort zone as a mental safe place, where your anxiety levels remain low because you are indulging in a safe, mundane and routine life. A comfort zone is not a bad thing as everyone need a place to rest and lower their stress levels. It does become a bad thing when you choose to stay in the area of safety rather than moving forward because you fear the next step. Fear can push you to achieve more than you ever thought was possible, as long as you don’t allow the anxiety to overwhelm you. When you push the boundaries of your safe place, you move into the mental position of optimal anxiety. This mental shift can be very powerful because heightened fear causes a person to be more productive, overcome obstacle creatively and think out of the box. 16 - Ewya Nov 2016 The downside of pushing the envelope is when the level of anxiety steps into panic mode. When this happens the fear can overwhelm a person, causing panic which results in the person mentally shutting down. Flight and fight responses take over and virtually nothing is achieved, other than a reinforcing believe that it is safer to stay in the cosy comforts of the zone. The ideal way to break out of this zone is to take small daily steps that scare you a little, are manageable and don’t terrify you into a panic mode.