Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 13

Define Your Confidence By Candice Wilson A core belief is a belief that is so strongly ingrained into the fabric of your being, that you believe it to be the absolute truth. Once this belief becomes entrenched in your thinking it will take a lot of hard work to change it, but it can be changed to a healthy belief. Negative belief structures are so easy to form and they can have a lifelong impact on your happiness. As a child, I loved to sing and dance. When I was in grade 1, I tried out for the choir, excitement and pure joy bubbled out of me as I started singing. I was crushed as the teacher walked passed me and proclaimed loudly “she can’t sing”. Some part of my childhood happiness died that day and I never sang in public again unless the music was loud enough to drown me out or I saved it for the car where no one could hear me. I was terrified of what people would say if they heard me. This one small thing robbed me of my joy of singing. At that moment, a belief was created that I couldn’t sing. If anyone looked at me while I was singing along to a song, I would immediately clamp my mouth shut and not sing another note for the rest of the evening. Everyone can sing, some of us just sound like a cat being murdered but if you love singing. Then NO one should tell you that you can’t. Let the neighbours bang on the walls and sing your heart out. This is just one example of how easy it is to form a belief. It was such a small event and the teacher probably never gave it another thought, but to me, it was HUGE and life altering event. To fully embrace your self-confidence you need to work through your beliefs, especially the ones that are a conditioned response. Weed out the ones that no longer serve you or steal your happiness and create a new set of healthy beliefs Ewya Nov 2016 -13