Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 12

Confidence for me is the ability to love yourself unconditionally and have the skill to live and breathe your truth which allows you to stand in your own power. When I talk about living your truth, I am referring to many aspects that have merged to form you in the beautiful being you are. Acknowledge who you are, not who society, your peers and your parents have made you, but who you are on a soul level. When you strip away the layers of self-limiting beliefs, hatred, hurt and pain, you will find the true essence of who you are which is unconditional love and oneness, with all that is. If you constantly criticise yourself, don’t like who you are, or lack confidence that is because someone taught you to criticise, dislike, hate or invalidate yourself. When you were a child you were happy, free, perfect, beautiful and innocent. 12 - Ewya Nov 2016 Somewhere along the way someone stole that from you and taught you, that you didn’t fit into society’s ideals of beauty, intelligence or race. Often what makes you truly unique is what people criticise the most. Most of us were taught it was better to fit in than be unique. Consider this, as a child, you worked harder at school to impress teachers you loved and that like you. You became that they wanted you to be, in order to impress them. In classes where the teachers didn’t like you or shouted at you, you stopped trying and gave up. The less you tried the harsher the teacher’s criticism became. The more you believed you would amount to nothing. Especially if the teacher was reinforcing that belief. Every day your belief grew stronger and stronger. Until it became a core belief.